Eagles Athletics

Exeter Township

Boys Pony Baseball

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News (2)

All Baseball, Softball and Girls Lax games postpone for 4/16

Updated on 06/10/2022

Exeter Township Athletics - Monday, April 16 - POSTPONEMENTS and PRACTICES:

The Varsity Softball game today at Hamburg is POSTPONED to Thursday, April 19 at 4:00pm at Hamburg

The Junior High Baseball game today at Daniel Boone is POSTPONED to Wednesday, April 25 at 4:00pm at Daniel Boone.

The Junior High Pony Baseball game today at Daniel Boone is POSTPONED to Wednesday, April 25 at 4:00pm at Daniel Boone.

The Junior High Softball game today against Daniel Boone is POSTPONED to Wednesday, April 25 at 4:00pm at Exeter Township.

The Varsity Boys Tennis match today at Manheim Central is POSTPONED to Thursday, April 19 at 4:00pm at Manheim Central. 

The Varsity and JV Baseball games today against Easton at Exeter Township are POSTPONED to TBD. 

The Junior High Girls Lacrosse games today against Boyertown East are POSTPONED to Wednesday, April 25 at Exeter Township at 3:45pm. 

Monday, April 16 - PRACTICES:

Varsity and JV Softball -  High School Auxiliary Gym - 2:45-4:30pm 

JV Baseball -  High School Auxiliary Gym -  4:30-5:45pm

Varsity Baseball -  High School Auxiliary Gym -  5:45-7:00pm

Varsity and JV Girls Lacrosse - High School Main gym from 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Junior High Softball - Junior High Gym from 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Junior High Baseball - High School Auxiliary Gym - 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Junior High Girls Lacrosse - NO practice

Junior High Boys Baseball/Girls Softball Tryouts

Updated on 06/10/2022

Junior High Baseball and Softball Tryouts 

Next week in the Auxiliary Gym - March 19-23

Monday, March 19:

5:00pm - 6:45pm - Junior High Baseball 

6:45pm - 8:30pm - Junior High Softball

Tuesday, March 20:

5:00pm - 6:45pm - Junior High Softball

6:45pm - 8:30pm - Junior High Baseball 

Wednesday, March 21:

5:00pm - 6:45pm - Junior High Baseball 

6:45pm - 8:30pm - Junior High Softball

Thursday,  March 22:

5:00pm - 6:45pm - Junior High Softball

6:45pm - 8:30pm - Junior High Baseball 

Friday, March 23:

5:00pm - 6:45pm - Junior High Softball 
