ETSD Sports Medicine Emergency Protocol
Exeter Township School District Sports Medicine Emergency Protocol
Site: Junior High School Football Field
- Call 911 or other emergency number consistent with organizational policies
- Instruct 911 dispatch to have emergency unit “report to chained gate at intersection of Dunham and 39th St. and meet athletic trainer/coach/student /security personnel at the gate as we have an injured student-athlete/adult in need of emergency medical treatment.”
JH FB field: Make a right on Gibraltar Road, turn left onto Dunham Drive and continue past Reiffton School to turn right at the intersection of Dunham & 39th St. Field is downhill on right.
- Provide necessary information to EMS personnel:
- Name, title, location of caller, telephone number of caller
- Number of victims; condition/age of victims
- First-aid or other treatments initiated
- Other information as requested by the dispatcher
- Provide appropriate emergency care until EMS arrives; upon arrival of EMS, provide pertinent information:
- Mechanism of injury
- Vital signs
- Treatment rendered
- Medical history
- Status of consciousness
- Assist emergency care as needed
- If possible, an asst. coach/parent should accompany student/athlete to the hospital
- Sports medicine staff should contact parents
- Notify other sports medicine staff, administrators, and building nurses after parents are notified
Emergency Telephone Numbers:
Reading Hospital and Medical Center………….…(610) 988-8000
Emergency Department……………………..(610) 568-3637
St. Joseph Medical Center………….. ………………(610) 378-2000
Emergency Department……………………..(610) 378-2330
Exeter Township Police Department………………..(610) 655-4911
- Goes to county dispatch after 4 PM.