Ski Club Information



Important Contact Information




Load Buses at SHS entrance 2:30p
Buses leave SHS 2:45p
Arrive Blue Mt. 4:30p
Report for lessons 5:00p
End of evening report to lodge 8:15p
Load Buses 8:30p
Buses Depart 8:45p
Parents arrive at SHS 10:00p



  1. Ski club is a school club and ALL SCHOOL RULES APPLY.
  2. Any behavior deemed inappropriate in school will also apply on the ski club trips (on the bus, in the lodge and on the slopes and ski lifts).
  3. Absolutely no smoking, no consumption or possession of illegal or prescription drugs (unless you have parental permission in writing in advance of the trips in the case of prescription medication) and no consumption or possession of alcohol will be tolerated.
  4. SKI PATROL AND ALL CHAPERONES HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK FOR YOUR LIFT TICKET ANYTIME FOR ANY MISBEHAVIOR, AND, your parent may be called to drive to Blue Mountain to bring you home if any rules are broken.
  5. For the Seven Springs trip, no students will be permitted to leave the resort premises for any reason.   All students must be back to their own chalets by curfew and must remain in their chalets between curfew and 6:00 AM.  Any violations of the school rules will result in the parent being called to drive to Seven Springs to immediately bring their student home.

Remember, when you are on a ski club trip, you represent the Exeter Township School District.  Make the school and your families proud by conducting yourself appropriately and at all times showing respect for yourself and others.


  1. Lost tickets cost $10 to be replaced.
  2. If you realize before the day of club that you misplaced your lift ticket call or E-mail the club by Tuesday evening so we can begin the process to secure a replacement.
  3. The one lift ticket is used for all five trips to Blue Mt.
  4. Please keep a note with your name, Exeter Snow Eagles and your emergency contact information in your snow jacket in case of an emergency.
  5. If you lose your ticket while at Blue Mt. inform the club advisor immediately after you have checked with Blue Mt.’s lost & found/customer service.



  1. Since is our main source of communication, please text @exeters to 81010 to receive text updates. This is how we communicate all information including weather, club news, cancellations, and conditions.
  2. Mark all belongings with your name and Exeter Snow Eagles.  This includes gloves, jackets, bags, goggles, helmets, and all equipment.  We suggest using permanent ink directly on items.  Luggage tags and/or duct tape with permanent marker is also an option.  Keep a copy of the serial number of your equipment at home for your record, in case of loss or theft.
  3. Be cautious of bringing additional items to club such as electronic games,  There is a high risk of damage or loss.
  4. If you are absent from school you may not attend club.  If you leave school sick on club day you may not attend club.
  5. Although we do provide light snacks, dinner is not provided at ski club unless you are notified otherwise.  The options for dinner include purchasing your own at Blue Mt. ($10 should be enough) or packing food and snacks.
  6. All equipment must be at the SHS by 7:25am. the day of club.  .  Equipment drop off is across the stadium to the right of the trainers entrance.  JHS students may walk to the SHS after school or take the bus.
  7. Remember to tell your parents:  Do not park in the area where the buses will be loading (the area on the side of the school near the Teacher’s parking area).  The buses need the entire area.       



  1. The buses are always lined up in order at the SHS.  Make sure you know your bus number (1, 2,or 3).
  2. Do not load your equipment onto the bus.  There are designated student and chaperone loaders.  Do not leave your equipment lying on the ground near the bus at the SHS or at BlueMt.  Hand your equipment to a loader to verify that your equipment actually gets loaded onto the bus.
  3. If you have your own equipment and are taking lessons make sure you give your equipment to the loading chaperone and identify yourself as a member taking lessons.  The chaperone will make sure your equipment is loaded in the proper place on the bus so that it is unloaded first at the mountain.
  4. Some of the front seats of each bus are for the chaperones.  This is where the chaperones sit unless student behavior warrants them sitting among the students.
  5. Attendance is take once we leave for the mountain.  Please remain quiet, pay attention, and cooperate during this time so that we can leave on time.
  6. Homework can be done on the bus and in the ski lodge.
  7. Remain seated. No one may stand or walk around on the bus during the trip.
  8. You may not change clothes or put on ski/board boots while on the bus unless you are renting or taking lessons.  You may change at school before you load the bus (although you should wait until you get to the mountain to avoid becoming overheated).
  9. Use the bus bathroom only in case of emergency.  Only one person in the bathroom at a time. No smoking.
  10. Snacks and bottled beverages are allowed on the bus.  You may bring snacks from home although the club provides snacks for the bus ride each week.  Please help keep the buses clean by throwing away your trash as you leave.  
  11. Once we arrive at Blue Mt. the chaperones will be monitoring the process of unloading of the bus.  Students will be instructed to exit the bus as follows:
    1. Student loaders
    2. Students renting equipment
    3. Students taking lessons
  12. The bus is then unloaded and the equipment is being placed on the ground close to the bus. Once the equipment is totally unloaded the chaperones will dismiss the rest of the bus.
  13. Take everything you need for the evening including book bags and clothes.  The buses leave the premises and are not accessible until we load to go home
  14. Make sure you pick up all your equipment that you loaded.  Please double check that you have everything before you go into the ski area.
    1.  We recommend you either lock your equipment with your own lock or place your equipment in the mountain’s supervised storage area.  Please do not leave any equipment outside unlocked or unsupervised.  Exeter Snow Eagles are not responsible for any lost or stolen equipment.
    2.  Our area inside the lodge is at the Snack table Look for our chaperones. 
    3.  Get a table with your friends and make sure it is not already occupied.  There are other schools and private parties at the lodge.
    4.  Put all your belongings under the tables neatly, not in the aisles, on the tables, or on the chairs. Exeter Snow Eagles are not responsible for lost or stolen belongings.  You may bring money to use a locker if you want to.
    5.  Get dressed in the bathrooms.  Do not change or undress in the main area of the lodge.
    6.  Make sure you eat sometime during the night and are finished before 8:15 p.m.
    1.  Went entering the lodge go to  the computers and enter your information and print rental form. (Chaperones will be able to assist)
    2.  Upon departing the bus, renters must immediately meet the renter chaperone and go directly to the rental shop, which is located inside the front doors to the lef t
    3.  A chaperone will be taking you through the rental process every week.  The chaperone is always available for any questions or problems.  
    4.  The rental attendants will assist you with sizing of equipment.  Follow their instructions.
    5.  Keep your receipt!!  It has your ski/board identification numbers on it in case you need to verify that you have your assigned equipment.  You will receive a new receipt every week.
    6.  If you are taking lessons, see STUDENTS TAKING LESSONS below.
    1.  To be eligible to participate in Exeter Snow Eagles, all members new to the sport of skiing/boarding must take lessons with their club membership.  Even if you are an expert skier but are boarding for the first time, you must take board lessons with the club in order to participate in Exeter Snow Eagles.
    2.  There are 5 weeks of lessons.
    3.  If you have your own equipment and are taking lessons make sure you give your equipment to the loading chaperone at the SHS and identify yourself as taking lessons.  The chaperone will make sure your equipment is loaded in the proper place on the bus so that it is unloaded first at the mountain.
    4.  Depart the bus when the Lesson group is called (unless you are also a renter—depart when the renters are called).
    5.  Remember that you must meet the lesson chaperones  at the rental area of the Lodge, so watch your time carefully.  You will not have time to eat dinner now.   
    6.  Ski and board lesson students will meet at the end of the Rental area .  The lesson chaperones will direct you to the right place.
    1.  Always be aware of the time.  Wear a watch if possible.
    2.  Ski/board with other club members.  Never ski/board alone!
    3.  Do not attempt to ski/board trails or attempt tricks that are above your skill level!
    4.  Ski/board with control, caution, and consideration to others, especially on green (beginner) slopes and designated slow-ski areas.
    5.  Report all injuries to a chaperone.  Chaperones are equipped with radios.
    6.  If there is an emergency, get to a lift house or ski patrol hut or ask an adult to notify a lift attendant.  Blue Mt. Personnel will get in contact with the Exeter chaperones.  If someone is hurt, stop and place crossed skis or board into the snow upright, uphill from the injured person in plain view of those coming down the hill.  Wait with the injured person until help arrives.
    7.  If a student is injured and is taken by ambulance to the local hospital, please be advised that there will be about a $450 charge to the parents which may or may not be covered by your insurance.
    1.  Be back in the lodge by 8:15 p.m.   and not on the mountain.  It takes nearly 30 minutes to get back to our lodge from the far side of the mountain.
    2.  Leave the lodge to load the bus no later than 8:30 p.m.
    3.  Once your equipment is loaded, go directly onto the bus and not back into the lodge. Once you are on the bus, you must remain on the bus.  Be certain you have all your belongings.  If you know you are late, go directly to the bus with your equipment and notify a chaperone.  You may then go back to the lodge to gather your belongings.  Attendance will be taken before we leave.  Remain quiet and seated.
    4.  If we are going to be late arriving at the SHS, you may call your parents to notify them.
    Remember to tell your parents:  Do not park in the bus loading area.  The buses need the entire area to unload students and equipment.  


Important Contact Information   

Mr. Brian Halferty: (484) 332-3685 or